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Lecture:The Protection of people with disability


7 November, 2016 -the participants of the lecture “The Protection of People with Disability”gathered in Research Building of CUPL to discuss the issues on disabilityrights in China and New Zealand. Guest speakers were either Disability RightsCommissioner or experts in this field. They were Paul Gibson, the DisabilityRights Commissioner and Dr. Brigit Mirfin-Veitch, the Director of the DonaldBeasley Institute (DBI), New Zealand and Professor Li Jianfei.


The lectureconsisted of three parts. Firstly, Professor Li Jianfei., Dean of center forpersons with disability Law&Legal service of Renmin university, in his speechaddressed the human rights issue underlying the rights of persons withdisabilities. He took some cases for example and called for promotingdisability rights in China. He also introduced his new book about disabilityrights.

The second partfocused on The role of a Disability RightsCommissioner within a National Human Rights Institution”, given by Paul Gibson,the Disability Rights Commissioner. He introduced the international context toDisability Rights Development and National Human Rights Institution. Heemphasized that “Nothing about us or without us”, and believed disabled peopleoften left behind. Their voice needs to be at NHRI table.


The third part ofthe course was delivered by Dr. Brigit Mirfin-Veitch. The title is “Disableresearch in New Zealand”. She introduced the schedule, procedures and processof that kind of research, and she also talked about some examples of recent DBIresearch, focused on the access to justice for people with learning disability.

Following the talkwas Q&A time. The attendants put many specific questions and were answeredby Paul Gibson, Dr. Brigit Mirfin-Veitch and Professor Li Jianfei patiently.The lecture concluded successfully.




Written by Liu Linyu

The English Version of the “Human Rights” Journal will Officially be Hosted by the Institute for Human Rights