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Lecture Series: American Culture - American Acting Training (by Ms. Claudia Rosenshield)

December 5th, 2013 - at the invitation of the Institute for Human Rights, Ms. Claudia Rosenshield gave a lecture on "American Acting Training", in the reference materials room of CUPL. Professor Zhang Wei and 8 of the first-year master's degree candidates were very pleased by her lecture.

The lecture was the third of the "American Culture Lecture Series". Ms. Rosenshield talked about her acting training and previous theater work. She introduced different kinds of theater trainings in prescriptive theater tradition. 

With respect to Beijing Opera, professor Zhang introduced her to Qinqiang, which is popular in Shanxi Province. She also gave a brief overview of theater training in the U.S. 

During the open discussion, Ms. Rosenshield explained the meaning of "the American Dream", and encouraged the students to enjoy studies and life in general. The lecture ended with a group photo.

Written by Zhu Hai, Proofread by Diana Zahorte, Final Proofread by Scott Phipps.


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