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Event: Institute for Human Rights mentioned in China National Reports for UPR

August 5th, 2013 - the Chinese Government submitted its national report to the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group. The main content of the report is the policy and practice on the promotion and protection of human rights, the implementation of recommendations received in the first UPR cycle review in 2009 and also the listing of future working goals.

The Institute for Human Rights of the China University of Political Science and Law is first mentioned in Section 2 and 3 of part C of the "Institutional safeguards for human rights" of part two of the "Legislative and institutional framework for promoting and protecting human rights“.

The specific content is that: "The Chinese Government actively supports the theoretical research of national human rights organs. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the China University of Political Science and Law are undertaking intensive studies on such topics, as the function and role of national human rights organs and the feasibility of establishing such an organ in China." "In 2011, the Chinese Ministry of Education incorporated the Nankai University Human Rights Study Centre, the China University of Political Science and Law Institute for Human Rights Studies, and the Guangzhou University Centre for Human Rights Research and Education in the group of institutions comprising the humanities and social sciences focused research base managed by the Ministry, and provided special funds dedicated for their support."

Lecture: Human Rights Development in China (by Professor CHEN Zhengong)
Seminar: Fourth Edition of the Chinese International Law Society