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Lecture Series: American Culture (by Daniel Delk, U.S. Embassy in Beijing)


Daniel Delk, now serving as Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, visited the Institute for Human Rights and had a discussion with the first year master's degree students. Professor Zhang Wei, of the Institute, was also present at the meeting. 

Mr. Delk talked about why the United States cares about human rights abroad. In the first place, Americans value freedom above everything else - this is the spirit derived from the War of Independence. What's more, this spirit grew stronger because of the American Civil War and the constitutional amendments. At last, when human rights violations occur in other countries, it usually is of concern to the immigrants of the U.S., because they have relatives and friends from such countries that commit such crimes. 

The attendees also had a chance to compare the human rights situation between the U.S. and China. Mr. Delk explained his view on the universality of human rights. The meeting ended in a warm atmosphere and a group photo was taken for posterity.

Written by Jin Chao,Proofread by Diana Zahorte,Final Proofread by Scott Phipps.


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