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Lecture: Dilemmas of International Human Rights Issues (by Prof. Tom Zwart)

September 16, 2014 -  Mr. Tom Zwart, Professor of Human Rights Law, Utrecht University, visited the Institute for Human Rights of CUPL and gave a lecture to the students. Prof. Zhang Wei and all first-year master's students attended the lecture.


The theme of the lecture was titled as “Dilemmas of International Human Rights Issues". Prof. Tom Zwart listed several current common human rights violations happening in some countries. He asked students whether, they think, such violations can be seen as acceptable from the international human rights law perspective. 

Throughout the lecture, Prof. Tom Zwart encouraged the students to express their views on the presented material and answered their questions.


In the end, Prof. Zhang thanked Prof. Tom Zwart for the wonderful lecture. 



Written by Yin Lingying

17 September 2014

Course: Human Rights Law (by Prof. Gudmundur)
Welcome to the new students of the Institute for Human Rights 2014