April14, 2016 – Mr. Alan Clark, Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer of the Embassy ofthe United States, visited the Institute for Human Rights to give a lecture about presidential election of America. Prof. Wei Zhang, Associate Professor, Co-director of the Institute, the first year master students, some Ph. Dstudents, and other students who major in International Politics attended the lecture.
The lecture consisted of four parts: The President, Political Parties, Primaries, and the General Election. Firstly, Mr. Alan Clark gave a brief introduction of the president of America, including term of service and presidential power.
Secondly,Mr. Alan Clark talked about the two parties of the U.S., Democratic Party and Republican Party. Although there are more than 200 political parties in the United States, political power has been held by the Democratic Party or the Republican Party for the last 150 years. The two parties have different core beliefs, they will be supported if the policy meet people’s needs or benefit to solve the social problems.
The third part of the course was about Primary. Mr. Alan Clark introduced the schedule, procedures and process of Primary, he also talked about Primary of this year. Sofar, the Democratic Primaries and Republican Primaries were explained by statistics.
The General Election was the last part. It is usually held on a Tuesday in November, before this, Presidential Campaigns are very universal. Winning the presidential election should accordance with the Strict procedures, if not, the election will become failure.
Following the talk was Q&A time. The attendants put many sensible questions and were answered by Mr. Alan Clark patiently. The lecture concluded successfully.
Written by Ma Jinna